Vimperator Love
Yes, I am a huge fan of vimium for chrome previously which resulted in the previous tips for chrome.
But last week, I’ve tried vimperator and totally fell in love with it! :) Vimium is nice, but not as powerful as vimperator!
This is the only reason I’m using Firefox. :D
Tips and trick
Vimperator, like vim, uses a RC file to load user’s customization. The file vimperator uses is ~/.vimperatorrc
Things I like to do so far.
Make j/k scrolling scroll more
:noremap j 3j
:noremap k 3k
Map J/K tab left and right respectively
:noremap J gT
:noremap K gt
and lastly
As vimperator uses so many key bindings, mostly, useful extensions like pinterest, delicious and readability’s key binding will fail. But worry not! :)
Because popular sites like that, often provide bookmarklets for people that do not want to install their extensions.
Vimperator is AWESOME!!
Add our own bookmarklets!
command! -nargs=0 -description="description you want ot put" commandthatyouwant open yourjavascriptcommand
So for example, I would like to have readability’s readnow function, the steps I would take are:
1) Head over to readability’s bookmarklet page
2) Right click on the “Read now” button and click “Copy Link Location”
3) Create your bookmarklet!
command! -nargs=0 -description="Read now with readability" readnow open javascript:(%0A%28function%28%29%7Bwindow.baseUrl%3D%27//
4) Now, go to firefox and hit ;
and type readnow
then ENTER.
5) Profit! :)
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