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Siriproxy Encoding Error

11 Feb 2013

Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError on Raspberry Pi SiriProxy server everytime Siri on iPhone runs.

Error :

Raspberry Pi SiriProxy server crashes showing Encoding::InvalidByteSequenceError at /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@SiriProxy/gems/CFPropertyList-2.2.0 everytime Siri on your iPhone starts.

Error message as shown below :


Solution :

After reading this article on the similar issue, I’ve decided to try out this issue comment as it seems the most reasonable.

Which is replacing the entire CFPropertyList-2.2.0 folder with the contents of CFPropertyList-2.1.2

1) Enter the containing folder of CFPropertyList-2.2.0

cd /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p385@SiriProxy/gems/

2) Copy CFPropertyList-2.2.0 folder out in case we screw things up a little

cp CFPropertyList-2.2.0 ~

3) Download the zip file (in Pi’s terminal) :

curl -O -L

4) Unzip the zip file and delete the zip


After this, you should see a folder called CFPropertyList-2.1.2 if you do the ls command.

5) Delete the original CFPropertyList-2.2.0 folder

rm -rf CFPropertyList-2.2.0

6) Rename the new CFPropertyList-2.1.2 folder to CFPropertyList-2.2.0

mv CFPropertyList-2.1.2 CFPropertyList-2.2.0
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